4 Reasons To Hire A Website Designer Versus Doing it Yourself
When it comes to getting a website built you might be tossing up whether you should hire a professional web designer or perhaps do it yourself.
Most likely you have heard of website-building platforms such as GoDaddy, Wix, Square, or Weebly that require no coding knowledge required and use drag-and-drop functionality so you can build your own website. Perhaps you have looked into WordPress and Drupal. On the surface, it seems between themes and plug-ins you might save some coin and it would be easy to do it yourself versus paying a website designer.
Well, here are 5 reasons why you should consider hiring a professional website designer versus doing it yourself

Time Versus Money - Learning how to design and build your own website can save money, but do you have the time? Do you have the knowledge or patience to invest in building one yourself? It seems easy. But between learning how to customize the template and design and creating the website copy and content, you might be taking on a much bigger project than you are able to anticipate.
Consider time versus opportunity - adding another job to you or your team? Or directing attention toward growing your business through sales, products, marketing, and getting quality customer testimonials that would cover the designer cost and then some.
Customisability- Templates on most website-building platforms provide limited customization options or charge a premium price to be able to. This can be the case even with free templates on WordPress or Drupal.
A web designer can capture your unique brand, business, and target audience to create a website that will help you stand out. Versus having the same looking site as competitors which will make them focus on price.
Direct Technical Support - Some platforms or template owners can take days to respond and take action. Some may reply with vague directions and leave it for you to do yourself. Website updates or changes with a web designer can be included as part of an agreement to take the worry or stress away when the day comes you have to (which it will).
You can contact web designers directly for technical support versus going through a 3rd party and having to escalate your request to get support.
Reducing Security Risk - Using popular templates could open you up to a security risk for hackers, especially if you are using plug-ins. In Oct 2020 over 4.3 million sites were hacked that use the WPBakery WordPress Plug-in, the drag-and-drop app that helps users build their own websites.
An experienced web design company will ensure you get the latest security measures, firewalls, malware detection, and everything to keep you safe online.
In Conclusion
These are just a few reasons to work with a professional web designer versus doing it yourself.
A solid web designer can deliver something that strikes a perfect balance between design, user experience, navigation, and functionality while maximizing SEO for web visibility when people search for you online.
Web designers are also usually on the pulse of the latest trends and current security requirements. Many of the templates and platforms can be slow to adopt and roll out successfully.
What you think you save in the short term can end up costing you in the long term. When it comes to building a website by yourself, ask if you have the energy and time to invest in creating one.
Because just having a website is not enough to ensure it generates a return on your investment. Ensuring you have a website that shares your unique brand and solves your customer's needs will.